Goooood morning all! It’s another shiny day with even more challenges and opportunities than the previous. Already by the second day, work is about to get amped up as my Spring 2021 college courses, CSC-17A (C++ Advanced Objects and Data Structures) and ENG-1B (Critical Thinking and Writing), join the schedule alongside my high school classes! Also, video content and ideas are about to become a little more interesting as I unbox a cool knockoff GoPro I found in a closet.

Despite how awesome I just made my morning sound, I actually started it off horribly. On weekdays, I wake up at 7:30AM to get myself situated before my 8:30AM AM high school classes, but today (or last night), I forgot to reset my alarm from my weekend morning alarm to my weekday morning alarm. I still miraculously woke up at 7:23AM (how I did that is something I don’t even know), but not yet being an optimistic morning person, I decided to go back into the deepest sleep possible for the bare 7 minutes that remained before 7:30AM. Of course, life chose to spite me by putting me back to sleep for another hour before I woke up. Worst part is, I am an occasional lucid dreamer, so I literally knew that something was off while I was dreaming. I immediately used a technique that I can’t really explain to exit the dream–a superpower within a superpower, I suppose–and find that I woke back up exactly at 8:30AM. Anyways, I hastily dropped into my online class meeting whilst washing my face and using the bathroom. Whew.

Ok, enough of the groggy morning vibes, let’s talk success. Today, I’m gonna be finishing a few tasks similar to yesterday’s including Pre-Calculus homework and YouTube video planning (I’m aiming to do a biking vlog on the weekend). However, I’ve just received a new load of tasks to complete as my Spring college classes have finally begun! For English this week, I’ll be writing a diagnostic essay for future writing skill augmentation and a student introduction. As for C++, we’ll most likely be installing new IDE and coding software onto our devices for program writing–I literally cannot explain how ecstatic I am to get back into this. I’ll most likely be using the NetBeans IDE on my Mac as I used it last semester, but I really wish I had access to a Windows device so that I could use Microsoft Visual Studios instead. It’s a way cooler editor that has dark mode. Who doesn’t like that? Alas, the future already brings bigger, better, and newer opportunities, so patience is key.

There are also some major issues that I want to work on today and that will take a while to fix. First I need to focus on my speed–unfortunately, not running speed. I need to work on getting easy assignments and tasks done fast with no hesitations or pauses. I get sidetracked way too often or even just move slower than I could be, thus turning a 30 minute job into an hour or 2 hour job. For goals and responsibilities, swift elimination is vital to just do it. Along the lines of finishing my work fast, I absolutely need to commit to my work in general. This means not overthinking myself to death so damn easily and having every last brain cell directly its attention to the work. Honestly, if it weren’t for these mere annoyances in almost every activity, my work ethic would be as smooth as ever. But of course, life isn’t supposed to be that simple, and it wouldn’t be a ride without its inconveniences. The bigger the challenge, the bigger the triumph.

~ Kai out.